
Proposed development at Stamford Road – Another Planning Win for the Community in Mossley!

The following decision by the Speakers Panel this morning has been drawn to the attention of the Town Council by Tameside councillor Taf Sharif:

“We have another win for Mossley.

An application to build 4 town houses and 12 apartments on a piece of land on Stamford Road, near to the top traffic lights, was heard at Speakers Panel (Planning Committee) this morning.

Your local Councillors and Mossley Town Council had put in their objections. Councillor Taf Sharif spoke on behalf of the Town seeking a rejection, a resident spoke also.

In line with officer’s recommendation the application was unanimously REJECTED based on the following grounds:

1. Highways safety
2. Residential amenity- overlooking other properties
3. Detriment to the character of the surrounding area

All 3 of your Mossley Councillors and the Town Council do support more affordable housing in the area, but these must be in the right location and with supported infrastructure.  Recent applications I’m afraid would just cause chaos to the town.

We are pleased that the Panel listened to us and sensibly rejected this application.

Best wishes
