
Transpennine Route Upgrade

At the meeting of the Town Council on Wednesday 21 February 2024, the Town Council received a presentation from key Network Rail personnel involved in the recently announced Transpennine Route Upgrade.

The Officers in attendance were:

Rachel Thomas – Programme Director (NR)
Alex Richardson – Senior Programme Manager (NR)
Vicky Cropper-Clarke – Regional Development Manager (TPE)
Chiquita Carolyne – Communications Executive (NR)
Mark Ashton – Sponsor (NR)

The meeting was attended by a significant number of residents and interested parties who were given an opportunity to ask questions about the proposal. It is hoped that the presentation will be the first of many as the proposals are further developed and the community consulted.

The presentation material can be accessed via the following link:

Revised Mossley Town Council Presentation 21,2,24