
Annual Parish Meeting – Wednesday 19 May 2021

Mossley Town Council Annual Parish Meeting

Date: Wednesday, 19 May 2021 at 8.00pm

Venue: Mossley Methodist Church, Chapel Street, Mossley


All Mossley residents are invited to attend the Mossley Town Council Annual Parish Meeting which will take place on Wednesday 19 May 2021 at Mossley Methodist Church, commencing at 8.00pm.

The meeting provides an opportunity for Mossley residents to discuss Parish affairs and the meeting may pass resolutions provided such resolutions affect the Parish. The Town Council will then, in due course, give due consideration to any resolutions passed at the Parish Meeting.

The meeting will be ‘chaired’ by Town Councillor Frank Travis, the current Town Council Chair, and all members of the Town Council have been invited to attend the meeting.

The agenda for the meeting can be accessed via the following link:

Agendas – Mossley Town Council (

This is the first ‘face-to-face’ meeting following the discontinuing of ‘remote’ meetings. Those wishing to attend the meeting are reminded that current social distancing requirements must be observed at all times and all attendees must wear a face covering upon entry and throughout the meeting.

In order to attempt to accommodate all persons wishing to attend and to ensure that facilities are in place, would any resident wishing to attend the meeting please notify the Clerk to the Town Council by telephone or by email in advance of the meeting.

Mike Iveson,

Clerk to the Town Council.

Tel: 07809 690890

Email: the