The Annual Meeting of the Council and the Annual Town Meeting must be held in Spring of each year.
This year, the Annual Meeting of the Council and the Annual Town Meeting will be held on Wednesday 10 May 2023 at Mossley Methodist Church, Chapel St.
The Annual Meeting of the Council will commence at 8.00pm but will adjourn at 8.15pm to enable the Annual Town Meeting to commence.
Any unfinished business from the Annual Meeting will be transacted at the resumed Annual Meeting.
The agendas for both these meetings can be accessed from the Town Council website via the following link:
Agendas – Mossley Town Council (
Below is information about the nature of these two quite different meetings
The Annual Meeting of the Town Council
Like any organisation, the Town Council needs to hold an Annual Meeting to carry out those things that only need doing once a year. These include:
- Electing a Chair
- Electing a Deputy-Chair
- Appointing representatives to other bodies
- Reviewing policy documents such as risk assessment, Standing Orders, Financial Regulations, etc.
- Any other urgent items
The Annual Town Meeting
This is a quite separate body from the Town Council, but the Town Council arranges it. Decisions are not binding on the Town Council, but the Town Council will consider what is said at the meeting.
The Annual Town Meeting is a legacy from the Middle Ages, when Local Councils did not exist, and all local decision making was carried out by meetings of the whole community usually taking place in the church vestry.
The Annual Town Meeting (as with all Town Council meetings) is open to all electors of the Town who have the right not only to attend but also to speak on any matter of local interest. This is in contrast to a Town Council meeting, where electors who are not Councillors have no automatic right to speak (although Mossley Town Council has a proud tradition of providing a set time at the beginning of ordinary meetings when electors can raise matters of concern to them).
This meeting has its own minutes, separate from the Town Council minutes, and these minutes can only be approved by the next Annual Town Meeting which will, of course, not be held until the following year.
However, the draft minutes of the Annual Town Meeting are submitted to the next convenient meeting of the Town Council, so that any matters raised can be progressed.
If you require any further information about the meetings, please contact the Clerk to the Town Council by telephone (07809 690890) or by email: ( )
Mike Iveson
Clerk to the Town Council