Tameside Council’s Speaker’s Panel (Planning Committee) this morning (18th November) considered the application for the construction of 21 houses on land off Mill Lane.
The application was REFUSED on the grounds of highway safety and loss of residential amenity to residents in the area. The Panel discussion included presentations from Cllr Taf Sharif and Mr David Jones, who opposed the application on behalf other Elected Members and objectors and a representative of the developers to advocate for the development.
The application included a revision which took access from Stamford Road for the construction period, a feature which has caused much concern to local people and discussion from the Panel members.
The applicant does have a right of appeal to the Secretary of State, if they so wish.
The Town Council objected to the proposal in its original form, raised concerns as well over the Ecological survey content and findings and has recently again objected to the revised application.
Frank Travis,
Chair, Mossley Town Council